Yard Waste Notice

Yard Waste graphic

The recent storm in our area caused extensive property/yard damage and the volume of yard waste to be collected is extremely high. This has caused delays in scheduled yard waste pickup.

Residents are asked to leave their yard waste out this week until it is collected. Mascaro will be working through the weekend to complete yard waste collection. 

Notice from J.P. Mascaro & Sons

As you prepare items for yard waste collection please remember:

  • Yard waste, leaves and lawn clippings should be placed in open-top containers or compostable paper bags (available at most home stores)
  • Plastic bags may not be used
  • In order for Mascaro crews and equipment to handle them, branches should be cut to 3-feet in length, bundled with twine weighing no more than 50 lbs. or placed loose in open container (no higher than top of container). Branches larger than 3" in diameter cannot be collected.