No Tax Increase In the Adopted 2018 Budget

Adopted 2018 Budget

The Lower Providence Township Board of Supervisors at the December 7, 2017 Board of Supervisor meeting adopted a 2018 budget that holds the line on Real Estate Taxes.  For 2018, the Township tax rate will remain at 1.767 mills and the average homeowner assessed at $167,886 would continue to pay $296.66 in Real Estate Taxes to Lower Providence Township.

The $10,543,523 General Operating budget is balanced without utilizing any Fund Balance Reserves.  Permit fees and other revenue increases helped balance the budget thanks to significant land development taking place in 2018.  Some notable developments acknowledged in the presentation include Providence Place assisted living facility, LIDL grocery market and the Courts at Brynwood townhouse development. 

Capital purchases and projects planned for 2018 include Dell Angelo Park playground equipment ($50,000); computer technology upgrades ($79,500); police radios ($35,780); police vehicles ($73,000); in-car police cameras ($92,000); public works dump truck ($175,000); bridge repairs ($19,000); and continuation of the township’s road paving program ($661,494).  These projects/purchases are funded through the Capital Projects Fund, the Parks and Recreation Capital Fund and the Liquid Fuels/Highway Aid Fund.