Notice Regarding Bulk Pickup and Recycling Collection

Graphic of trash, recycling and yard waste cans

Please note these clarifications regarding J.P. Mascaro trash/recycling collection:

Bulk Pickup
Bulk pickup takes place once per month on the last second trash day of the month, not the last trash day of the month. (For example, if your second collection of the week is Thursday, then bulk collection is the last Thursday of the month.)
Holiday Recycling Collection

If your trash collection day falls on a holiday, it will be skipped until the next collection day. If your recycling collection day falls on one of these holidays (Memorial Day, Independence Day July 4th, Labor Day or Thanksgiving), recycling collection will occur the following week as a double collection. When recycling collection day falls on Christmas and New Year’s Day, recycling will be collected on Wednesday for those two weeks and there will be no yard waste collection during those weeks.