Rolling Thunder "Day With a Vet"

Rolling Thunder "Day with a Vet" event flyer

The Lower Providence Fire Department will serve as the staging area for Rolling Thunder's "Day with a Vet" on June 2, a police-escorted motorcycle ride to the Coatesville VA for a picnic with veterans. Riders are invited to participate and families are encouraged to show their support at the fire house or along the route.

Registration starts at 9:00 a.m. Kickstands up/ceremony begins at 11:30 a.m. at the fire house, 3199 Ridge Pike, Eagleville. Cost is $20 per rider and $10 per passenger.

Route: Ridge Pike through Lower Providence Township, Norristown and Plymouth, North Lane to Fayette through Conshohocken to Rt. 76W to Rt. 202.

For more information visit the Chapter 1 PA's Facebook page: RollingThunder@Chapter1Pennsylvania or email